Fertility Tests Tips

Read these 14 Fertility Tests Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Conception tips and hundreds of other topics.

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What is one of the fertility tests a doctor will run?

Postcoital Test

A postcoital test is done soon after having intercourse. The doctor obtains a sample of the cervical fluid. This is to determine if the sperm can survive in your cervical fluid. The test is performed just prior to ovulation.

What is one of the fertility tests a doctor will run?


Ultrasound exams are given on the day of the luetenizing hormone (LH) surge. The ultrasound determines the thickness of the uterine lining, the follicle development and the condition of the ovaries and uterus. This is often when endometriosis is first diagnosed.

What is one of the fertility tests a doctor will run?

Follicle Stimulating Hormone Test

Follicle stimulating hormone level test is done by drawing blood from your arm. This test is done on day 3 of your cycle.

What is one of the fertility tests a doctor will run?


If the hysterosalpingogram comes back with abnormalities then a hysteroscopy is performed. A small tube is inserted through the vagina into the uterus called a hysteroscope. Your doctor can then take photos of the inside of the uterus for a better evulation.

What is one of the fertility tests a doctor will run?


A laparoscopy is done right before menstruation and after an HCG pregnancy test is run. A fiber optic tube is inserted through the abdomen to look at the fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus to check out the endometrium and to check for adhesions.

What is one of the fertility tests a doctor will run?

Semen Analysis

A semen analysis can be done at anytime. The man produces a specimen of semen through masterbation and collects in a specimen cup. For the most accurate results, the man should abstain from ejaculation for at least 48 hours. This test checks for the presence of sperm and their quantity and viability.

What is one of the fertility tests a doctor will run?

Prolactin Hormone Level

Prolactin is a hormone that if the levels are high enough causes anovulation or a luteal phase defect. The test is done by drawing blood from your arm 7 days past the luetenizing hormone surge.

What is one of the fertility tests a doctor will run?

Thyroid Test

If your thyroid is under or over active - it can greatly affect fertility. The thyroid level test is done by drawing blood from your arm. It can be done at anytime during your cycle.

What is one of the fertility tests a doctor will run?


In a hysterosalpingogram a dye is inserted into the cervix to fill the uterus and fallopian tubes and then x-rayed. This test determines if the uterus and fallipian tubes have any blockages - such as scar tissue or tumors. It is usually done before ouvlation to insure that a fertilized egg will not be flushed out.

What is one of the fertility tests a doctor will run?

Progesterone Level Test

Progesterone is the hormone the body produces post ovulation. It helps to thicken the uterine lining and raises the basal body temperature. This test is done by drawing blood from your arm at 7 days past the luetenizing hormone surge. (The "norm" for performing this test is cycle day 21, assuming that ovulation occured on day 14.)

What is one of the fertility tests a doctor will run?

Endrometrial Biopsy

An endrometrial biopsy is done right before menstruation is due and after an HCG test (to rule out pregnancy) is given to determine if there is a luteal phase defect. It involves scraping some of the tissue from the uterus.

What is one of the fertility tests a doctor will run?


Estrodril level test is done by drawing blood from your arm. This checks the levels of estrogen. This test is done on the day of the luetenizing hormone surge.

What is one of the fertility tests a doctor will run?

Luetenizing Hormone Level

Luetenizing hormone level test is done by drawing blood from your arm. This should be done on day 3 of your cycle.

What is one of the fertility tests a doctor will run?

Androgen Panel

An androgen panel is done if the doctor suspects PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrom). Blood is drawn from your arm and the levels of testosterone and dihydroeprandrostone are checked.

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